The Journey to Your Higher Self

You've probably heard the saying, "To grow your business by 20%, you need to grow yourself by 60%." But what does that really mean? Is it about honing your skills, accumulating knowledge, or something more profound? Last month, we explored the concept of a growth mindset—embracing curiosity, resilience, and a love for learning—as a pathway to self-empowerment. While important, this approach often leads to incremental growth, missing the transformative leap to discovering our "higher self."

The Myth of the Growing Higher Self

Contrary to popular belief, your higher self doesn't need growth or improvement. It is already an infinite reservoir of wisdom, power, and potential. What needs to evolve is your awareness and recognition of this untapped resource that has always been within you. Your higher self constantly communicates with you through intuitive wisdom—be it through dreams, gut feelings, or serendipitous events.

The Challenge of Discernment

The real obstacle lies in distinguishing the voice of your higher self from the cacophony of fear-based, scarcity-driven thoughts that often dominate our minds. While the latter keeps you stuck in old patterns, the voice of your higher self opens doors to new possibilities and inspires you with messages rooted in abundance.

Building a Relationship with Your Higher Self

The key is to cultivate a deeper awareness and trust in your higher self. This isn't just about self-improvement; it's about transforming your relationship with the very core of your being. When you align with your higher self, you unlock a wellspring of creativity, authentic power, and purpose. This is your sanctuary—a space of peace, love, and boundless potential.

The First Steps to Self-Discovery
So, how do you embark on this journey to your higher self? Start by becoming more mindful of your body sensations, emotions, and thoughts. This heightened self-awareness allows you to distinguish your ego-driven self from your true, higher self. As you become a more keen observer of your inner world, you'll find it easier to trust your intuitive wisdom over mere logic or preconceived notions.

The Reflection of Your Inner World

Remember, your physical and emotional states are mirrors reflecting your thoughts. While most thoughts are recycled fragments from the past designed to keep you in your comfort zone, true safety and fulfillment lie in the discovery of your higher, authentic self.

Making the 4 Shifts to your Higher Self:

Repeat these 4 sentences 3 or more times until they fully resonate with you:
I fully trust my Higher Self
I fully accept my Higher Self
I fully own my Higher Self
I fully express my Higher Self.

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